This workshop is intended for people who lead project and production teams, those who support them, and others who study their work as researchers. Presentations will answer the following questions so that participants can see the outlines of how they can integrate teams on their construction project:
• Why does Project Delivery (IPD) enable exceptional outcomes?
• What are the requirements spelled out in (IPD) contracts?
• What are the imperatives of Target Value Design (TVD)?
• What ways of thinking and behaviors are no longer helpful? What new ones must be created?
• Why is it so hard for people to change the way they work and think?
• What is the Simple Framework model? And how can it be used?
• How do its pieces fit together and reinforce each other?
• Are there real-life heroes, and what are their stories?
Participants will leave prepared to contribute to and lead Integrated Project Teams and will be able to discuss their questions and ideas in a 1-hour follow-up session with Dean at no additional cost.
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Sutter Health and other owners have used Integrated Project Delivery to achieve much better outcomes than before. Yet, Design and Construction companies have not adopted it as their preferred delivery model, likely because they can deliver most of their projects doing business-as-usual without investing in new systems and teaching the methods and behaviors required for integration. The result is that those investments must be paid for by their customers and done during the projects, or not done at all in the case of business systems.
Beyond that, most industry professionals, including those advocating industry transformation, approach the investment as one in coaching people through the adoption of a collection of Lean Construction methods, BIM and other information technologies, and collaboration skills. The starting point for this workshop is the understanding that transformation occurs as people solve problems and carry out their work differently within a coherent worldview/model that makes sense to them. Then they can establish more effective routines while doing their work each day. In this way, they come to own the transformation they are making organically. As they change the way they work they see new possibilities for solving the problems they are facing. The model used in this workshop is the Simple Framework, the big idea in the book, Integrating Project Delivery.
The sooner everyone realizes that neither they nor their leaders can anticipate problems and answers in advance, the better. This is because that is simply impossible given the dynamic complexity of design and construction. Team members are better off knowing they are taking a journey of learning and discovery together, with each supporting the other as they encounter problems and develop skills for anticipating them. They are co-creating integration, not implementing it. The prize is the resiliency that design and construction require, leading to exceptional outcomes.
Working in groups throughout the workshop, you will develop your individual and workgroup transformation story based on hearing how “Integration Heroes” used the Simple Framework model before or after it was named and described in 2017 when the book was published. You will leave feeling you have started down the integration path that success demands.